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Nico Dekens

Nico “Dutch_Osintguy” Dekens is an All Source Analyst specializing in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), online Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Online investigations.


Nico Eats, Sleeps, and lives everything which has to do with OSINT, online investigations, Intelligence gathering and Analysis.


Nico is an international lecturer at Fortune 500 companies and governments. He has over 20 years experience as an (all source) Intelligence Analyst at Dutch Law Enforcement. He analyzed murder cases, international narcotics cases, stolen art cases, gang violence cases, political disturbance cases, online jihadist groups & conducted several online, covert, virtual HUMINT investigations.


Nico has worked as Senior Project Manager at Bellingcat, an international independent investigative research collective.


Online Nico is known as Dutch_OsintGuy and very active within the OSINT community. He is a Co-founder of the OSINTcurious project. Also he is a Sans Institute instructor for the SEC497: Practical Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) course. Nico is the lead-author & instructor of the SANS SEC587 Advanced Open-Source Intelligence Gathering & Analysis course


Currently Nico is working as Director of Intelligence & Collection Innovation at ShadowDragon.



With over two decades of training and teaching experience Nico can train you or your team learning all there is to know about OSINT.


Research Or Investigate

Do you have a need to outsource research? We can help you find actionable intelligence used decades of experience en techniques. You ask the question(s) we investigate!


Key Note

Looking for an introduction keynote into OSINT? Nico can give low-level as well as advanced keynoted about OSINT and all the niche topics within OSINT and Online investigations.


Implement OSINT

Want to implement OSINT within your company using structured methodologies and tam techniques? We can help build your team to become the best and most efficient in Open-Source Intelligence Gathering & Analysis. 


Work Shops

Nico can provide your company or team with low-level as well as advanced workshops about OSINT and all the niche topics within OSINT and Online investigations.


Risk Assesments

We do risk assessments of companies, individuals and more. Ask us about the various options we provide.


Dutch Osint Guy Intelligence Services has been tested by the Centre for Post Intitial Education Netherlands (CPION) on the principles of care, legal certainty, reasonableness, reliability and trustworthiness. Dutch Osint Guy Intelligence Services complies with the CRKBO registration with the quality code for training institutions for short vocational education.



SEC587: Advanced Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Gathering and Analysis

Worldwide On Demand and In Person



UEA Police analyst

Nico! Amazing, expert and smart delivering the content and explaining the complex topics. One of the best Instructors I have ever dealt with.


Italian Cyber threat Analyst

Nico is a very competent instructor and thanks to his past experience he always manages to bring the theory discussed in class to real life use cases


FBI Employee

Thanks for being very patient with all of us. I appreciate the inclusiveness of your language when you say guys and gals, instead of referring to all of us as guys when there are women in the session.


NYPD Detective

An authority in OSINT. Great to learn from him.


Dutch Law Enforcement OSINT detective

Nico is a real specialist both in OSINT and in teaching.


NATO Cyber Threat Intelligence analyst

Nico's delivery and enthusiasm for the subject matter was incredibly motivating and facilitating the easy ingestion of the course material. Specifically with Section 2, Nico's experience as an OSINT practitioner and CT expert, was on full display. His insights were fantastic.


Customs and Tax investigator

Nico is an effective teacher who has a visible love for OSINT. Enthusiastic about the various topics. He is also committed to the success of his students. This is apparent from his infectious enthusiasm for the topics and the enthusiasm with which he stands in front of the class and supports the students. He is always willing to make time for them and help them.

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